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A staff member talking to children and a parent.

Our team works with thousands of children and adults every week to deliver outdoor learning experiences. Along the way we make some interesting discoveries and here we share what we learn with you.

  • 14/06/2023

    How can outdoor activities help students?

    Everyone can benefit from outdoor learning activities – but sometimes getting off the sofa or out of a warm cosy classroom can be challenging!…

  • 14/06/2023

    What is an activity holiday?

    An activity holiday at We Are Adventures could last a day, a week or for the entire summer! Our holiday clubs are held in…

  • 14/06/2023

    What is Outdoor Learning?

    As the name suggests, outdoor learning is teaching that takes place outside of the classroom, in a natural environment. It is based on the…

  • 13/06/2023

    Help! What To Pack For A School Trip

    Waving your little ones off as they head out for a school trip can sometimes be a nerve-wracking experience. How will they get on…

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